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We are a small consulting company specialized in information and telecommunication technologies.
We develop software components, programming libraries and technical documentation and provide qualified and experienced consulting about software technologies.

Current projects

This is an implementation of an online virtual shop with relational database, management application, and basic functionalities for users. It is based on Java Servlet with a minimum use of Java Server Pages. Read more....
Data Application Framework
This is a large framework for building applications that manage data in the form of documents that are saved into a relational database. The framework can work both as a desktop application and as a client-server application. The applications are defined by simple XML files. Read more...
WebGen is a software tool and a software library for generating a web site on a local computer and then copying it into a remote web server. There are many functions to check the links, check the images, manage multiple sites. Each web page is defined by an XML file which is much simpler than the final HTML file. Read more....

Old projects

BuildStudio is a special application designed for C++ software development. It provides an environment for the build operations. It connects to different compiler toolkits like Microsoft C++, GNU and others. It is simple and robust and avoids all the common problems of software builds. Read more...
Live Support
LiveSupport is a system to provide help to customers or visitors of a website by means of a chat embedded in the website, so that the user can communicate with the site owners without the need of a chat software. The system provides the web site owner with a centralized chat archive, multiple sites management, etc... Read more....
C++ Physical Design
This is small book about the problems of C++ software development like software builds, projects, configurations, dependencies. It describes the best solutions for handling large software in C++. Some chapters are freely downloadable from this website. Read more...
MFCPlus is a large C++ class library, partially based on MFC, for general applications. It has more than 200 classes organized in 30 packages. There are classes for file and folder management, classes for efficient table and tree views, classes for custom edit controls, custom frame windows and bars. Read more...


After almost two years of intense work on our software projects, we decided that it was time to write some memories in form of speeches. These are articles about software development techniques that maybe don't tell anything new, maybe they tell some good new ideas. You can read our speeches here.